
Friday, November 25, 2011

Causes of Water Pollution and Its Solution

Water pollution occurred long ago and we have seen together, either in the sea, rivers, lakes and even a trench in front of our home. Water is colored brown and even black as has become common sight and we can see day to day. 

Let's discuss the causes, impacts and ways to cope with water pollution TSB. 

Water pollution caused by human activity daily which can lead to a change in water quality page. Water pollution occurs in rivers, oceans, lakes and underground water. 

The heaviest pollution levels are the result of industrial waste are discharged into rivers and oil spills also its exterior. Pollution in the river and its exterior has caused water ecosystems and habitats to be damaged and even die. For streams, the disposal of industrial waste / mill has destroyed tens of kilometers along the river habitat.
This industrial waste containing heavy metals, organic toxins, oils and other substances which have a thermal effect and also can reduce oxygen content in water. Hazardous waste is in addition to causing damage and even death of the river habitat, also resulted in the emergence of health problems for people who live along the river that they will use river water for toilets (bath, washing and latrine).
Not only along the river flow, recharge chemicals also pollute underground water along the dozens or even tens of meters from the river TSB. Underground water drilling conducted on the residents near the river to get water is often murky underground black, smelly berlendir.Dan even when imposed for purposes of MCK will lead to disease and itching itching on the skin.
In addition to industrial waste, household waste also has a major role in water pollution. Household waste is divided into 2 groups, ie organic and inorganic wastes. Organic waste is waste that can be broken down by bacteria such as leftover vegetables, fruit and herb leaves. While inorganic waste can not be decomposed by bacteria such as the former glass, rubber, plastic, metal, fabric, wood, leather, etc..
For agriculture, the use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides can also contaminate the water in the surrounding environment. Wastes containing phosphate fertilizers that can stimulate the growth of water weeds such as algae and water hyacinth. The growth of water weeds are not controlled it can lead to impacts such as pollution caused by water and detergent.
Waste pesticides have long periods of activity and when carried by the flow of water out of the area of ​​agriculture, can kill animals that are not targets such as fish, shrimp and other aquatic animals. Pesticides have the properties of relatively insoluble in water. But it is relatively soluble and its concentration tended to increase in fat cells and cells of a living body called Biological Amplification, so that when entered into the food chain concentration is higher and the highest peak is the consumer. For example, when the fish body levels 6 ppm, in the body levels of fish-eating birds increased to 100 ppm and will continue to increase until the peak consumer (
Efforts can be done to reduce the impact of water pollution are: 1. Do not throw garbage into the river / ditch. If you need to take advantage of inorganic waste for the home business industry 2. For laundry waste, use water filtration technology Grey Water (Please search methods on Google with keyword "gray water") 3. Creating a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) for industrial and factory 4. For households, if forced to use river water for toilets, river water should be filtered first. If necessary use of alum, lime and chlorine dose per 1000 Liters of water: - 5 tablespoons alum - 5 tablespoons lime - 1 tablespoon of chlorine
Measures to prevent further damage due to water pollution should be done early, for the sake of a better future.

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